Who is Allah? He is the All-Merciful, All-Compassionate, and the All-Holy. These are some of His divine Names that are known to mankind in this world. He is known through His attributes and none whatsoever is like Him. His Names are manifested in our daily lives; an act of mercy from someone is a reflection of His attribute the All-Merciful, when someone is gentle towards us, that action is a reflection of Allah’s name the Gentle. Bring to mind His names and attributes through this beautiful decal set rendered in the Diwani script and be in awe of the myriad of nuances attributed to the One God.
Artist: Riad Tabbal
Script: Diwani (Jali)
Pieces: 99 in total
Material: Adhesive decal (for flat surfaces only)
Names of Allah
Love the quality, very easy to apply, beautiful finished product.